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Welcome 2018! The Year of the Dog & Wonder

So this post isn’t exactly an update on our adoption, but it most definitely relates to what God has stirred up in us as we move through the process.

Did you know that some statistics say that of the 41% of people that make New Year's resolutions only 8% actually keep them? Not so encouraging, huh? Well, I suppose what is encouraging is that the statistics also say "People who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions". So I guess that supports the case for at least trying, right?

Now have you heard about this recent trend of "word themes" in lieu of resolutions? I think I first heard about the idea last year. The idea is to focus in upon one word that encompasses the vision you have for the year ahead. JB and I were recently discussing how we don’t prefer a list of goals to check off our list, so to speak. Like, “Lose 10 pounds by next week” (ha!). Instead he suggested we focus on the characteristics and actions that would get us there. For example, “to lose 10 pounds”, one area to focus in on would be “consistency”. Consistency in making small nutritional changes…consistency in finding ways to move everyday…etc. Hopefully that makes sense, but if not I like how My One Word explains it:

“[Your one word] will provide you with a lens to see the changes you need to make as well as a way to determine whether or not change is actually happening. Understand that this process is hard, but staying focused on your word will help you to struggle in the right direction so that you can actually see God working in your life”.

Anywho, when I did this last year I thought I might just be jumping on the “fad bandwagon”, but instead God really used it to give me clarity throughout the year. My word was “surrender”, and it was exactly what God gave me the ability to do. Not in one day, or a few weeks either. No, it took the full year to embrace a posture of “surrender”. Truth is, I fought hard against it at first. More about my ride on the struggle bus later.

So after some time in prayer, here is my word for 2018:

I long to be filled with joyful expectation and filled with a sense of wonder as we wait and watch God work in our lives this year. I desire to spend more time recounting His faithfulness as a family, by way of His WORD, through WORSHIP, and intentionally WATCHING for His handiwork in things big and small.

Picking up on my “W” theme, too? ;)

Can I be honest here? I’ve never thought of myself as a “negative nelly”, but quite frankly with the challenges thrown our way over the past few years, it's exactly what I was turning into. Maybe not always outwardly, but I began to train my heart to approach God cautiously and to anticipate the worst. Instead of living in light of the Truth that He is able “to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us”, I created the terrible habit of “self-preservation”. Expect the worst, that way when the worst happens I’ll be prepared. *cue facepalm* It’s an unnerving and exhausting way to live, but I bet if you’re honest with yourself, you’ve done it too.

As I was reading through the scriptures the other night, I read the account of Jesus and the disciples in the middle of a storm:

“On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” - Mark 4:35-41

As I was reading, it hit me that I was just like the disciples; my faith had shrunk and the fear and expectation of heartbreak became my (unhealthy) pattern of thinking. And while these ancient promises are like balm for my far-too-often unbelieving heart, they also serve to remind us that the God of miracles isn’t done yet. Like the disciples, my eyes were constantly on my circumstances and not on the One who can calm the storm with a wave of his hand. I've read this account many times, but this time I paused to marvel at the One who is so very patient with my failures and weaknesses. To wonder at the fact that the God who fulfilled promises 2000 years ago, will fulfill them yet again. I had to also stop and consider, am I walking in light of this truth today? That’s my prayer for this year. To stop “wondering if” all my hopes and dreams will come true and to start “wondering” at (and ultimately worshiping) the One who knows me, flaws and all, and willingly laid down His life for me.

Ok, if you've once again stuck with me this far, are you curious why I felt like all of this was worth sharing? I suppose on one hand, I don’t want to forget what God was doing in our hearts through the waiting for our littlest bear, but on the other hand I hope to once again encourage others. Not because we are some super special, extra “good” people – far from it! But because I know beyond a shadow of doubt that when you truly follow Jesus, I mean truly surrender it all to Him, He will take you to places you never thought possible. I love how Cassie Hammett expresses this idea:

"There’s a thing that happens when you truly follow Jesus…I mean when you actually choose Him, choose His ways and His heart and His word, you look up one day and find yourself smack dab in the middle of something that looks SO MUCH LIKE HIM. It’s not you. You’re not the super hero. All you’ve done is choose Him…and sometimes you have failed at even that. But the daily choosing of Him begins to change your desires, your decisions, your actions, your dreams and your hopes.” (

This shift in our own hearts is what has led us to step out in faith and stop all the “what if” thinking and replace it with “even if”. Even if, the road is hard – He promises to walk through the valley with us.

I told a dear friend the other day that stepping out of the safety of the known and into a place that requires us to be brave is where we find Jesus. When we can rest in promises like we find in Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you”, we have a lot to look forward to.

So, if I may...I'd love to graciously challenge you to also pause and consider what He might be saying to you this year? Maybe consider the ways…

  • …you can hit pause on your own agenda and look to serve others. Philippians 2:4 "Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." I can't recall where I heard this shared, but it was advice from a father to a son who was stuck in a pit of constant comparison and discontentment. The father said something to the effect of, "When you're feeling like you've got it bad, take a look around you. There is always someone worse off. Find someone worse off than you and find a way to make their day a little better". Now, I realize we are all strapped for time and energy, but be assured that when you are intentional about loving others when it's outside of your comfort zone (especially those who cannot repay you), there is a heart shift. You'll be amazed at how petty your issues seemed in the first place (they won't disappear, but your perspective is guaranteed to change!).

  • …fear is holding you back. Our dear pastor recently said, “Fear never invites itself, it intrudes. So how do we fight the intruder? By faith.” How do we fight with faith? We recall to mind His promises, we come humbly and boldly by prayer, and we just do the next right thing. Remember, it’s not our comfort He’s after – He desires our whole heart, mind and soul; sometimes this means giving up our ambition for cushy, safe lives. When we relinquish the false sense of control over our lives, we find true freedom and joy!

So I'd love to know, do you have a word for this year? If so, what is it? Please comment and share, I'd love to hear from you!

And also, are you wondering where “The Year of the Dog” came from in the title of this post? Well, it’s because February 16th begins the Chinese New Year celebration. A new tradition Team Twenty One is looking forward to incorporating into our family celebrations this year and for many years to come! And since it’s the year of the dog, we thought we’d get Moe into the spirit of celebration too. So welcome, 2018! The year of the Dog & Wonder, we’re excited to see what a year brings!

Joyfully in Christ,

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